Enjoy An Idyllic Retreat At Villa La Massa Luxury Hotel in Tuscany – We are constantly looking for idyllic places to travel to; this time, we are going to focus our attention on a stunning Renaissance mansion, nestled in the picturesque Tuscan countryside and surrounded by pristine nature. You will be completely amazed by the landscape surrounding this luxury hotel but also the wonderful interior design project.
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The spectacular Villa La Massa began its life as a Medici villa back in the 16th century and it was home to many aristocratic European families over the centuries, before being transformed into a charming hotel in 1948. It feels like another world, the minute you arrive here.
Names like Clark Gable and Elizabeth Taylor were at some point written on the guests’ list, and the 37 gorgeous rooms and suites on offer here overlook a lemon tree orchard and olive groves, the perfect escape from the urban scenery and hustle and bustle of daily life.
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Source: Luxatic.com
By Tomas Mota