Looking for the best design companies with greatest projects around the world we decided share with you some projects by Rockwell Group!
Rockwell Group is an award winning architecture and design firm specialized in cultural, hospitality, retail, product and set design. Based in downtown New York the company has satellite offices in Madrid and Dubai to be closer to clients in Europe, Asia, Africa and Middle East.
Rockwell Group has a desire to create immersive environments. Crafting a unique and individual narrative concept for each project is fundamental to Rockwell Group’s successful design approach.
The company relies on the synergy of craftsmanship, technology and design to create environments that combine handmade objects with custom fixtures and furniture.
Its innovative and internationally acclaimed architecture could be seen at Alex Hotel in New York, Gordon Ramsay’s restaurant Maze in London, The Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco or in the set design of the musical Hairspray.
The company has received countless awards in recognition for its projects, from restaurants to stage sets, hotels to historic restorations, art programming, interactive design as well as theatres and museums.