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Interieur Awards 2014: Winners of Spaces Category | Best Design Projects
Hospitality Interior Design Ideas


Biennale Interieur is since ’68 internationally recognised as an important meeting place to experience trends, tastes and avant-garde that define design today. 

This year’s event the organization released a challenge to designers: the creation of a cutting-edge bar concept for the event. 

After the proposals, the jury, composed by prominent international professionals has selected the best projects for the Spaces category:

  • Gone Fishing, a concept by Charlotte Ryberg, Fritz Håkon Halvorsen and Marcia Harvey Isaksson from Sweden. 

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  • Dried Chat Room, a concept by Alberto Artesani (DWA), Frederik De Wachter (DWA), Francesca Perani (Spectacularch) and Sandra Marchesi (Spectacularch) from Italy.

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  • Fusions Bar, a concept by Lukas Wegwerth in partnership with Wendelin Kammermeier from Germany.

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  • Behind the Curtain, a concept by Jasper Stevens and Karel Verstraeten from Belgium.

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  • -21.Threeº Gelato Meccanico, a concept by Davide Fabio Colaci, Lula Ferrari, TourDeFork with Laura Doardo, Ludovica Niero and Marco Savini from Italy.

Interieur Awards 2014_gelato meccanico

The winners will have as a prize the realisation of their bar concept and noteworthy exposure during the all days of the event. 

There also horourable mentions to the following projects:

  • Cardboard Chapel, a concept by Luuk Stoltenborg, Bas de Boer, Laura Ubachs and Saynzo Osinga from The Netherlands

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  • Harvest, a concept by Ryosuke Iinuma from Japan

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  • Life after life bar, a concept by cuypers & Q architecten from Belgium

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  • Terroir, a concept by Kathi Stertzig from Germany

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  • Bar Assembly, a concept by Leonidas Trampoukis (LoT) from Greece

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  • Cloud, a concept by Arthur Analts (Variant Studio) from Latvia

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Biennale Interieur will take place this month from the 17th to 26th in Kortrijk, Belgium.

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